Dear Friends,
Requesting your assistance. My long-awaited book is now complete. Telling the story of my life through my experiences as a volunteer firefighter, Fire Chief and County Training Director (while teaching school in my home County); real stories are shared with emotion, passion, drama, happiness and sadness.
"Awakening the Sleeping Giant - The Political Empowerment of America's Heroes" is a good news story about all that's right with our country in a time where we are inundated with negative stories daily. As a friend and someone with whom I'm connected on LinkedIn, I ask you to use your social media networks to support my book and underlying message.
Currently available exclusively on Amazon as an e-book and softback edition, the hardback version will be available in September before 9/11. Monday is our day to shake-up the system, relay facts never before told and set in place a vision for our collective future as a nation in a troubled world.