FSTRS is being decommissioned on February 1, 2021

Posted & filed under News.

Effective February 1, 2021, VDFP's Fire Service Training Records System (FSTRS) will be decommissioned and will become inaccessible. On this date, our technology services partner, the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) will no longer support FSTRS. We are advising roughly 40,000 stakeholders to download their transcripts from FSTRS in order to upload them to Cornerstone OnDemand before February 1, 2021.

Attached is an informational flyer which can also be shared and accessed from our FAQs page.

Be advised that nothing will happen to VDFP training records. VDFP will continue to maintain records on a backup server independent of FSTRS and CSOD, to allow Fire Programs staff to manually retrieve training records.