Virginians for Integrity in Government (VIG), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, announces a 2015 My Political Hero Essay Contest for high school students. David Bailey, a veteran lobbyist and member of the Board of VIG developed the contest to challenge and encourage Virginia high school students to pay tribute to their living political heroes and heroines. The winner of the contest will receive a $2,000 post-secondary scholarship. VIG will also award $1,000 scholarships. The essays will be printed in Virginia Capitol Connections Quarterly Magazine.
The “heroes” can be elected officials, teachers, relatives, or any other citizens. They must be living Virginia residents.
VIG seeks to shed a more positive light on political figures and activists–the same light that is often reserved for scandal. Many political heroes and excellent public servants work in state legislatures, schools, neighborhoods, and ordinary households. The My Political Hero essay contest provides an avenue in which to recognize living influential persons.
To read the rules and download the application click here: